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Utility officials with expertise in their state’s water rate structure policies are invited to review a brief draft summary of those policies that is being prepared as part of a larger report on water affordability programs.

Earlier this year, in conjunction with other water sector stakeholders, AMWA contracted with researchers at the University of North Carolina (UNC) to develop a resource guide for water utility officials that analyzes models for rate subsidization programs that may help low-income individuals pay their water and sewer bills.  This report will include a state-by-state summary of state and local laws that enable or prohibit the use of alternate water rate structures or water rate subsidy programs, and UNC researchers are currently at work developing the summaries.  The completed guide is expected to be released next year.

To ensure accuracy, AMWA and other sponsors of the report are seeking volunteers with expertise in their own state’s laws to review UNC’s draft of their state’s affordability policy summary.  Reviewers will report edits, suggestions, and corrections back to UNC.  Each state report will be no more than two pages long, so the time commitment for reviewers should be minimal.

Utility managers or staff who are willing to review a copy of the draft affordability policy summary for their state are asked to contact AMWA’s Dan Hartnett at [email protected].