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On June 26 and 27, AMWA hosted a workshop led by representatives from AWWA and ASDWA to discuss potential revisions to the Microbial and Disinfection Byproducts (MDBP) rules.  

The workshop follows a series of working group meetings EPA convened in 2022 and 2023 on potential revisions to the MDBP rules addressing eight National Primary Drinking Water Rules (NPDWRs). EPA is considering these rules for potential regulatory revision, based on results from the agency’s third Six-Year Review

The EPA-convened working group provided final recommendations to the National Drinking Water Advisory Council (NDWAC) in 2024 and included representatives from AMWA and other partner associations and nonprofit organizations. The final recommendations to the NDWAC did not reflect a full consensus across all working group member organizations, and AMWA delivered oral and written comments regarding concerns and additional considerations the association had about the final recommendations. 

EPA plans to propose MDBP rule revisions in the summer of 2025. The workshop attendees will produce a series of recommendations to EPA near the end of this summer. AMWA will provide the draft recommendations to the AMWA Regulatory Committee for review and input prior to that date.  

Any members who are not on the AMWA regulatory committee but are interested in weighing on the recommendations should email Kaline Gabriel, AMWA’s Manager of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs, or Jessica Evans, AMWA’s Senior Manager of Government Affairs and Sustainability Policy, for more information.